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Taste the Wonders  of Australian food and wine

Australia’s united food and wine team heads to Taiwan

Potato Pavé with Sichuan Pepper Mayo

By Chef Jessica Lin


Potato Mille-Feuille
1. Approximately 10 Australian potatoes, peeled (about 1000g)
2. 600 cc water
3. 200 cc white vinegar
4. 3 tbsp Sichuan peppercorns
5. Cornstarch as needed
6. 1 pound cake mold (2.5 x 8 x 2 inches)

Sichuan Peppercorn Mayo
1. 3 egg yolks (at room temperature)
2. 1.5 tbsp white vinegar
3. 1.5 tbsp water
4. 300g vegetable oil
5. 30g sugar
6. A pinch of salt
7. Sichuan pepper oil as needed


Potato Mille-Feuille
1. Combine water and white vinegar, bring to a low boil for 5 minutes, add toasted Sichuan
peppercorns, and let cool.
2. Thinly slice potatoes with a mandoline, soak briefly in pickling liquid, then drain.
3. Line the pound cake mold with parchment paper, layer potato slices, sprinkling a little
cornstarch between each layer, until the mold is 90% full. Fold the parchment paper over the top.
4. Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 75 minutes.
5. Press with a weight on top, refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
6. Once set, remove from the mold, trim the edges, and cut to desired size.
7. Pan-fry or deep-fry until golden and crispy.

Sichuan Peppercorn Mayo
1. Bring eggs to room temperature and separate the yolks.
2. In a bowl, whisk egg yolks, sugar, and water until pale.

3. Gradually add a few drops of oil while whisking on high speed until thickened.
4. Finally, mix in vinegar, salt, and Sichuan pepper oil.


Serve crispy potato mille-feuille with Sichuan peppercorn mayo and garnish with cilantro

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